Thursday, January 28, 2010

Taking a road trip...

We are heading on the road to my parents place in Sussex today right after exams are finished.  We are so thankful that we have a neighbour couple who are more than willing to look after our animals and house while we are away... what a blessing.

Pete will be home on Saturday so we'll be heading back then.  He has to go out on the road on Sunday again.... then as soon as he gets home we are off to Moncton and he flies to Ft. McMurray next Friday to hopefully find work.  Something that will help us get out of debt and get us set in a course that will help us meet our 'future' goal of him working 3 months of the year to pay for our living expenses in Africa (after the boys graduate).  Then upon return we could focus more on raising money for the projects we have the desire to start (instead of taking the time to raise money for living expenses).  We'll see how that goes (in the future)!

As it stands right now I need to get back to Namibia and Angola to deal with our earthly possessions.  Many forget that we have things still in both countries.  It is difficult to know how to proceed but I know that I do not wish to burden anyone for much longer... so I think the best course to follow is to get back there and sort things for sale, give away and to ship back to Canada.  As many of you remember we were expecting to stay in Angola for the duration of our ministry so we packed up everything (storing only photo albums and a few little heirloom things in Canada).  Our children especially would like to have some of their memory items here with them.  Anyway... once Pete has a good job and we have been able to get back on track a little I will be heading that way to deal with things.  Please pray for the finances to be able to go and for wisdom in how to deal with stuff when I get there.

Well... I need to finish packing and doing laundry.

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