Friday, February 19, 2010

Pete has a job in Ft. McMurray! YAH!

Well it is for sure... Pete has a job with a trucking company.  It is for sure because he is already on a trip to Calgary ;) I just wanted those of you who were praying to know the good news!  I'll fill you in on the details when I know more of what his job entails... for now we are just excited that he has his foot in the door!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Roller Coaster Ride of Life...

This last couple of weeks has been a major roller coaster ride of emotions.  Pete left to go out to Ft. McMurray to find work.  He arrived on a Friday afternoon so it was impossible to start the job hunt, so by Monday he was getting pretty frustrated.  Then on Tuesday he thought he had a job (he was offered one out of the blue in A&W...) however after chasing the guy down for a couple of days it turned out to be a dead lead.  This caused a lot of frustration.

This week has turned out MUCH better... he was about to hop on a bus on Tuesday and a man waved him down to see if he could help him get his wife's car out of the driveway (it was stuck)... so he helped him and then the man drove him downtown.  On their way down they were delayed for a while and got chatting... turns out he's a Christian, he's from Egypt, he's a Pharmacist, and he has lived in Ft. Mc for several years and has lots of connections.  He asked Pete if he would give a mission presentation for a group of men, and they had him over for the evening last night, which was very nice for Pete.  Pete applied for a trucking job which looked hopeful and then he had 3 or 4 other leads that he was following... it looks like he will get this trucking job, and the lady who does the hiring earlier in the week was on the fence about hiring him because he might find a better job in a month or two... but after thinking about it that evening she decided it would benefit them to have the extra driver even if he didn't commit to stay for 6 months or a year... so we'll hear this afternoon if it is all FOR SURE or not.

Well... I need to go finish making my bread... just thought I would give a quick update!  Might share more later!


Trevor's Drawing of a Zebra

Trevor drew this a while ago.  He sketched it from a picture I took at Etosha National Park in Namibia!

Trevor's Drawing of Trip Lee

From the "If They Only Knew" Album... this is one of Trevor's favourite Christian Reformer Rappers!  Trip Lee is an awesome Rapper and Trevor is an awesome sketcher! ;-)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Quick update...

We had a great trip to Sussex and managed to surprise my mother on her 70th Birthday.  We had it planned that I would ask if they would like to come with us and go to the Big Stop in Salisbury for lunch... when we arrived several of my mom's family and a couple of good friends were there to shout SURPRISE.   We had a great time, and a few of the family members managed to take to the idea that I had about bringing 70 things in a gift.  My cousin Ruth and others in her family put together the best box of 70... they wrote out a few things that happened the year my mother was born and then they bought stuff that went with the theme... it was the most interesting gift.

This last week has been a busy week.  Pete took his last trip on Monday (to Moncton with Meagan).  On Friday morning he flew to Ft. McMurray where he will search for a job on Monday.  We are praying that he gets one VERY quickly.  We have accumulated debt that we need to pay ASAP.  It has not been easy starting all over again since returning from Africa, but that is life.

I am working on some quilts, dresses, and some other things these days... I have enough projects to keep me busy until spring.  Which is probably a very good thing.

Well, I am off to bed now... it's been a long day and I have been suffering from a migraine off and on all day long.  I guess my body needs some sleep.

Night all...