Friday, September 10, 2010

Keeping an eye out for the naughtly little wart hogs on the sides of the highway... would not want one of them as a hood (or bonnet as they call it in Namibia) ornament... that is for sure!
YAH... 70km to Otjiwarongo... where they make the best PIZZA in the WORLD! I took the pictures of road signs for Meagan... she misses that every 10 km you get a new sign... making the trip go ON and ON and ON... actually we liked the updates... lessens the boredom. :)
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On the road to Tsumeb

Yes I am driving and taking pictures at the same time... on the left side of the road... roaring down the highway at about 140km/hr. Good times in Namibia :) Whoot Whoot!
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The ladies teach Vivas a new song...

Vivas writes out the lyrics to an Oshiwambo song. Isabella helps to translate the words so he understands what they are singing! Cross-cultural ministry... in Namibia! :)

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Here's Isabella getting into the meat... someone caught her on camera! :)
A picture of some of the tears that were shed... listening to 4 beautiful C&C ladies singing their hearts out to God is enough to make anyone cry... in fact, just thinking about it tears me up! Wish I had video of the event... I will have to get on my boys to send me a disc!
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I have no idea now what we were finding so funny... but man did we have a good gutt-laugh!!!! Always good to have those!

Some ladies enjoying the MEAT! Everyone in Namibia loves meat!
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Back to Five Rand

Back to Five Rand and our meeting with the ladies from my Care and Compassion Beading team. What a great reunion.... lots of laughs, shouts of joy, tears, singing and even a little message given by Vivas. It was a great time together. Isabella came to translate, Jenny came along to visit, Vivas, Jelson and Fenguito came from Windhoek and Meme Olivia, Meme Regina, Meme Martha and Meme Helena came together again! :)

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